Sossity offers a wide range of services related to words and storytelling. Proofreading, copy, line, length, and content edits, sensitivity reading, ghostwriting, content creation, journalistic assignments, collaborative literary projects, workshops, and individual instruction. They can work with anything from a pile of words to a completed project, bringing plenty of grace and no ego to the process.

Previous projects have included: YA and children's literature, website copy, literary and industry journals, academic textbooks, novels, novellas, chapbooks, class descriptions, equity statements, bios, social media content, memoir, self-help books, role playing games, video captions, and policies/handbooks.

Sliding scale and pro bono services available at her discretion, prioritization to marginalized people and communities. Get in touch with questions and proposals and to check availability!


  • Proofread: checking for misspelled words, rogue commas, spacing issues
  • Copy edit: checking for grammar, punctuation, broken style manual rules
  • Line edit: checking for confusing or repetitive word combos, wording, sentence structure
  • Content edit: checking character arcs, plot points, flow, structure, and facts
  • Word count: paring down and making the most of your content while still meeting the word count limit

Sensitivity reading

Sossity does sensitivity reads on a diverse range of topics and genres with everyone from individual authors to major publishing houses. She can read for topics including body size, disability, chronic pain, illness and disability (including lived experience, healthcare systems, self and community advocacy, medical marijuana and microdosing), mental health (including anxiety, depression, PTSD, dissociation, and eating disorders), non-binary/gender spectrum, queer identities, relationship dynamics and intimacy, survivor experiences (sexual, emotional, and mental,) alternative/blended/chosen families, communal living, and rural communities, poverty/working class experience, low income housing, and social welfare systems.

They have a BA in Women/Gender Studies and Humanities, and decades of personal research, lived experience, and grassroots activism on a range of relevant topics. She is a published author, poet, and journalist, and brings an awareness of semantics, emotional impact, and intersecting identities to the reading.  She reads for all ages and all genres other than horror, and require a content warning for any sensationalized or graphic violence or sexual assault.


Have a story to tell but don't feel comfortable with writing? Need to write a bio but can't figure out how to find the right tone? Need content for your social media or website but don't have the time or experience to create it? Sossity can take a train of thought, concepts, needs, key words, and intentions and turn them into a cohesive and compelling message.

Creative writing

Sossity is a professional and widely published writer with experience in journalism, memoir, poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and blog posts. She can expand on a concept, meet a word count, and craft a nuanced and thoughtful story, exploration, or review. They write primarily from a place of lived experience, but can also research new topics and create an engaging interview with any subject.

Individual instruction

Experienced, thoughtful, kind and thorough, Sossity can help you dissolve a writing block, craft a practice, organize content, compile resources, or just help you believe that you are, indeed, a writer.


Sossity offers a variety of workshops, and can customize one for your group or event. Please visit the workshop page for more information.

Client Feedback

"These notes are so helpful and thorough. I greatly appreciate the time and thought you put into pointing out potential issues and even suggesting potential edits that could help address some of them. I'll be diving deeper into this with my co-writers." - Sensitivity reading client

"Your perceptive comments will definitely help us to improve the manuscript, and I am looking forward to discussing the issues raised with the authors. Thanks again for your hard work; your input is much appreciated!" - Sensitivity reading client

"Our time together ... has given me such new inspiration to get back working on my manuscript and it has been wonderful. Lots of new creative direction you stirred up,  thank you!!!" - Individual instruction client

"Thank you so, so much for your thoughtful, thorough and very kind report... I think you have raised a number of excellent points."  - Sensitivity reading client

 "Wow, thank you so much! This is so helpful. Thank you so much for this  gift!! You've given me so much to think about. I'm thrilled!" - Content and line edit client

 "I just wanted to say that your feedback on our upcoming book on poverty has been very helpful..." - Sensitivity reading client

"Sossity’s style of teaching a writing class is very unique, but inspired. I enjoyed the informal, organic setting, and the way she thoughtfully guided us through each topic we touched upon. I found the group to not only be inclusive, but a safe space to bounce vulnerable writing off of other folk in the community. I felt very well received and comfortable opening up to the experiences we shared as a group." - Workshop participant

 "I very much appreciate your thoughtful comments and help unraveling what is a white woman-centered approach..." - Sensitivity reading client

"Thanks again for your reframing of the key messages and the comments ... this looks great!" - Content and line edit client

"Thank you for your insights. Really helpful work! We'll add your notes ... to the potential topics for discussion."  - Sensitivity reading client